Happy New Year! We're so excited for a new year of serving YOU, and making the client experience even better. One of the great things about being a small business is having the flexibility to adapt and make changes quickly. We sent out some client surveys at the end of 2021 and got some great feedback and ideas (thank you guys!). Then we immediately got to work figuring out how to implement some of your suggestions and improve our process. Many of these changes came straight from the feedback we received!
1. Instant booking - We are opened up our calendar so you can see our availability and instantly book your shoot online, without having to wait for confirmation from us. If a slot is available and you book it, it's yours! Hopefully this will make it a lot easier for you when working with your sellers to select an appointment time.
2. Increased availability - Last year, one of our biggest struggles was availability. So one major change we are excited for in 2022 is adding new team members! This means better availability for you, including new time slots on Saturdays. With growing our team, it's very important to us that you experience the exact same level of service. From the quality of the photos to the way we treat you and your sellers, it should be totally seamless, regardless of who takes the photos.
3. New pricing structure for photos - We initially started this business with just real estate photography, which is why our old pricing was tiered by the number of photos. We quickly added other services like video, Matterport 3D tours, and floor plans, and priced them by square footage. In considering our pricing for this year, we felt it made sense to switch all of our services to be based on square footage. Keeping it consistent across the board makes it simple for us to bundle multiple services (more on that in the next point!) and means you don't have to guess how many photos a house might need. We will always shoot enough photos to capture a house in full, but these are the approximate photo counts you can expect to receive:
Up to 1500 square feet - About 20 photos
1501-3000 square feet - About 30 photos
3001-4500 square feet - About 40 photos
4501-6000 square feet - About 50 photos
Over 6000 square feet - About 60 photos
4. New bundles! Last year, we offered two bundle options (video bundle and 3D tour bundle). This year, we are adding two new bundle options! One is a video + 3D bundle, to give you an additional price break when you order both. The other addition is a land bundle, with two options - one for a standard vacant lot, and the other for a larger land listing. With all of our bundles, we offer a base bundle with a discount built in, then you can add on additional products (like a floor plan, twilights, or an agent intro) to customize your bundle. On our booking form, you'll see the add-ons on the next page after you select your base bundle. Let us know if you have any questions!
5. New services! Lastly, we're excited to introduce our newest service, Reels! These engaging, short-form, vertical videos are specifically made for Instagram Reels/TikTok. Our hope is that they'll save you time and make it easier for you to post awesome content on those channels. We are starting with two options for Reels, and have plans to add more social media content services soon.
Option one: Highlights Reel ($75 add-on) which will be a remix of clips from your listing video + photos. See example.
Option two: Walkthrough Reel ($150) which will be a sped-up, vertical video walkthrough shot on an iPhone with a gimbal. See example.
If you want to learn more about Reels, stay tuned. I will post more information soon, along with some best practices for Reels and Instagram in general.
We hope you guys know, your feedback means a lot to us and we truly take it to heart! If you have any ideas for any additional things we could be doing, let us know. And if you have any questions about any of these new changes, don't hesitate to reach out! We're here to support you in any way we can, and help you to hit those 2022 goals!